International Day of Plant Health – Plant Health TV Contest

The United Nations have declared 12th of May the International Day of Plant Health (IDPH). Many events will be organised to raise awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development.

To raise awareness of the 2023 International Day of Plant Health, the PBRI (including the PHSN) collaborated with the CIHEAM in Bari, Italy and Euphresco to support the 2023 video contest ‘Plant Health TV’: promoting the importance of plant health research.

MSc and PhD students and early career researchers from the PBRI Plant Health Student Network and the CIHEAM student network were invited to submit a short video (up to 90 seconds) on a plant health related topic.

The contest aims to increase the visibility of plant health research activities and to celebrate the work of students and early career researchers in their efforts to support plant health around the world.

There are eleven videos submitted in the Plant Health TV contest (below).

We invite everyone to like their favourite video in the links below, this will provide votes for the ‘People’s Choice Award’.

The official winner, decided by the evaluation panel, will receive a grant to take part in a scientific exchange in CIHEAM Bari which will be announced shortly after 12 May 2023.

Sylvia Aluvanze
Plant Health knowledge transfer in rural communities – cassava viruses in Kenya

Wesam Atawneh
Understanding the abundance of Xylella insect vectors in Palestine. 

Nacima Deghiche Diab
Understanding insect biodiversity for plant health protection

Darryl Herron
Beyond baiting for plant health protection – Phytophthora diagnostics using environmental RNA to identify genetic footprints in the soil.

Mohga Khater
Towards in field diagnostics – rapid on-site diagnostics for early disease detection

Hamza Mghari
Research on harmonising diagnostics for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus.

Evgenia Sarakatsani
Boosting the success of flower diversification within the agricultural landscapes, supports resilience of agroecosystems against pests attacking our crops.

Wael Sultan
Characterisation and genetic diversity of Phytophthora palmivora from cocoa in Malaysia.

Zeinab Sweidan
Forecasting models for efficient pest/disease surveillance, risk analysis, and their management.

Maryam Usman
Fall armyworm damage on maize growth stages

Dorsaf Yahiaoui
Quality control, biosafety and biosecurity standards in regulatory lab testing

Plant Health Student Network

The Plant Health Student Network (PHSN) is a global community run for students, by students. The network was founded in response to the clear need for a early-career community in the plant health, plant pathology, and plant biosecurity space, that could facilitate opportunity sharing and skill development.

Upcoming event 26/11/24: Online writing session!


Ritman Scholars launch a new Plant Health Student Network